联系地址:中国(山东)自由贸易试验区济南片区孙村街道经十东路33688号章锦综合保税区联东U谷科创中心5号楼 101
Biological desulfurization is a method of using bioactive substances or microorganisms to remove sulfur dioxide (SO2) emitted from coal combustion. It reduces environmental pollution by utilizing specific microorganisms or microbial communities to convert sulfur dioxide into soluble and absorbable compounds.
生物脱硫通常涉及两个主要步骤:生物氧化和生物还原。在生物氧化阶段,某些微生物如Thiobacillus spp.能够利用氧化反应将二氧化硫转化为硫酸。在生物还原阶段,其他微生物如Desulfotomaculum spp.则能够将硫酸还原为硫化氢(H2S)。硫化氢能够进一步处理或转化为其他有用的产物。
Biological desulfurization usually involves two main steps: biological oxidation and biological reduction. During the biological oxidation stage, certain microorganisms such as Thiobacillus spp. can utilize oxidation reactions to convert sulfur dioxide into sulfuric acid. In the bioreduction stage, other microorganisms such as Desulfotomaculum spp. are able to reduce sulfuric acid to hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Hydrogen sulfide can be further processed or converted into other useful products.
Biological desulfurization has some advantages, such as lower operating costs, recyclable by-products, and environmental friendliness. However, implementing biological desulfurization requires consideration of factors such as microbial growth conditions, suitable temperature and pH ranges, and other components in the exhaust gas.
It should be noted that biological desulfurization technology is still in the development stage and may not be widely applied in all situations. Before practical application, sufficient experiments and research are needed to evalsuate its applicability and effectiveness.